8-sec GT-R smashes into a flock of seagulls at 160mph | 2014 Buschur DSM/EVO/GT-R Shootout DSPORT 0:46 10 years ago 108 886 Далее Скачать
Some 7 Second Nissan GTRs at The 2016 Buschur Racing DSM EVO GTR Shootout Camping With Sasquatch 2:17 8 years ago 1 044 Далее Скачать
Nissan GTR 8.28 at 175 MPH at the 2016 Buschur Racing DSM EVO GTR Shootout Camping With Sasquatch 0:12 8 years ago 190 Далее Скачать
pair of 8 second Nissan GT-R's (dsm/evo/gtr shootout 2013) HD itsadsm 0:26 11 years ago 238 Далее Скачать